Project Soon

Research Question

The single most important thing with a thesis is the research question. It spans over the whole paper and binds every section together. It doesn’t need to be short, but it needs to be precise and clear.

I wrote this question in my introduction, but it is a bit rough, so I need to re-specify it. Normally you should write a research question and go from there, but it is more common that you have a general idea of what you want to research, and change the question along the way. It’s, odd, but understandable if you are either inexperienced or in an unknown field.

My research question should be quite forward, but my tutor has said that it’s still too rough. The last week has been spent on figuring out a better research question related to my current experiment, making it easier to make the Result and Conclusion sections. Sadly, it has not gone well, so I probably will have to postpone my graduation for 2 months. I’m not the only one, though. Everyone writing a similar thesis right now is too late and will have to hand it in later. I didn’t plan this, but I aim for better quality rather than something thrown together.