Project Soon

I have made too many projects in my lifetime, and thought that a repository is not enough to handle support for them. I also believe that to be able to dump my mind from time to time keeps myself on track. I make projects because I like to help people with problems that may or may not be an issue, now or in the future.

Blocking AI

AI is a great tool, but comes with the slight issue that they will scrape all and everything from the web to feed themselves with enough data to give anything of value in return. Sometimes it is desired to block these bots from gaining access to certain content, or in this case, all content.

Firewall Groups V2

Sometimes you create a prototype to test if a specific thing is feasible. Then you realize it is so good that you got to improve it. I found this with firewall groups, adding more type of groups and support for static lists.

Status Page

Having a status page usually helps you as a sysadmin to keep track of your services availability. But the available status pages are pretty limited, so creating your own may be the only way doing do. Especially if you need to handle custom protocols through UDP.


Keeping tack of your files is important. Keeping version of them is hard as it creates a disorderly mess. Git handles this for you. Running your own instance is a fun way to share and collaborate with others. But while using existing services is easy, you cannot guarantee your files safety. Hosting is pretty tricky, but not that difficult if you know how to do it.


A paper is the means for a degree, but it is not part of it. Several steps needs to be taken in a specific order to get a degree. It is easier than one may expect.


Finalizing the paper, writing the discussion and conclusion, and cleaning it up takes time, so it is good to always finish earlier than expected to polish that. But it is also important to think about how the outcome of the paper can lead to some valuable knowledge.

Bugs in game development

Game development is hard. Avoiding bugs is even harder. Fixing the bugs is the hardest. There are many aspects why this is the case, but is there a solution?

Reverse Proxy Logs v2

Finding a solution and implement it is fine, but finding the correct solution and implement it is better. Check the available tools and use them instead of relying on something that was thrown together without more thought.


System metrics, network usage and host logs, all are useful to measure the overall activity in a homelab. All systems does some sort of logging or keep track of some metrics, and to gather this information is beneficial to make sure that everything is working as expected.

Reverse Proxy Logs and Security

Adding reverse proxy might result in worse security than without. Make sure that the underlying services are properly configured to mitigate catastrophic failure.