Project Soon


(Modified: )

What is this?

A mapper for Minecraft.

What is a mapper?

It’s a program that reads a Minecraft world and prints it onto one or more images. It may or may not render these images top-down (like a regular map) or axometric(Angular sky-view).

Is it released?

It is currently in development, but may be released with both binary and source.

When will it be released?

When it’s done.(tm)

Why this channel?

Clearing my mind. Giving you insight. Just put stuff down on paper so it exists for everyone to see.

What MC versions does it support?

Previous version supported Alpha and Beta. Also Region, but only the first versions due to the change of height from 128 to 256.

This version should support the most used one, which is Anvil(v.1.2 and up), and the Flattening(v1.13 and up).

Can I zoom in?

No. This will generate one pixel per block. There are other maps that supports more than that, but they are slower.

What more features will it have?

From the previous version feature: Normal, solid, height(color, gray), heightmap, rotation, multithreading, only, exclude, slice, night, huge maps.

The new may include most of these features, but will also add: Axonometric roation, Google map, higher performance, daemon.

If possible, additional features may be added: OpenGL, OpenCL, SIMD(Already partly due to GLM), ingame maps rendering.

Will the old MC maps work with it?

It is my intention to try to add back those if they are needed. Otherwise, the old version works with them quite alright.

Will Bedrock Edition be supported?

Due to the low userbase of BE, it will be put in the backlog, but as a low priority. I may pick it up later if there is a bigger userbase.

How can I help?

Currently, all development is made exclusively by myself as a hobby, but I’m open for suggestions.

However, as color for each pixel is quite hard to come by, I am in need of color pickers. That is, people that could create colors for each block that exist for MC up to the newest version. It would also be great if certain mods blocks could be translated to colors.