One usually forgets the most useful tools right after using them. While I was refactoring a couple of months ago, I had done around 40 commits this day and suddenly realized that it did not render properly. As I had no idea what had caused this, i found out about git bisect
. You give it two commit hashes, the first and the last, and it will binary search through all those commits, where you compile and test for each one, and tell if the bug exists or not on that specific commit. If you had 1024 commits, instead of looking through all of them, you only look through 10. Took me less than 5 minutes to identify the faulty commit, and even shorter to write a fix for it. (It was related to writing to immutable memory)
Sometimes it is better to have good tools to reduce one’s job significantly, than having to manually repetitively force oneself through it without knowing what to do.