Project Soon


(Modified: )

Each service is run within either a vm or a container. This is both for security, but also for easier resource redistribution.

web-server: Apache2, MariaDB and PHP 5.6+. Have some domains there, but even more sub-domains, which most of them are linked to other services. Certbot is used to generate certificates for the (sub)domains that need it. Mirror can be found here.

minecraft-server: MCJE and MCPE/BE.

teamspeak-server: Can handle up to 512 users, but normally does not reach more than 30 at the same time.

gitea-server: An ordinary gitea-instance for private content versioning.

factorio-server: Two instances currently.

ttd-server: An OpenTTD server.

blockland-server: Hosts a couple of Blockland instances.

brickadia-server: Offline instance.

mastodon-server: Private instance.

pihole-*: Pi-Hole for internal filtering. Two instances for redundancy.

ddclient-*: For dynamic dns handling.

syncthing-disco: Discovery and relay server for SyncThing.

prometheus: Monitors all servers and services.

grafana: Graphs for prometheus.

Besides these there is a lot of test vms/containers and private instances that are kept a secret.