Project Soon

XServer - FAQ

How is XServer pronounced? CrossServer.

What features will it include? Shared functionalities through chat, player list and administration for all connected servers.

Why not use the old one? It is more complicated as both servers need to connect to each others to apply full duplex communications. It also is less secure due to weak hashing and no valid authenticity and integrity to data sent.

Will this be slow? It might be in some instances. There could be options to turn off authentication if it lags too much.

It can be abused! Every mod can be abused in one way or another. Most settings will now be global, so if there is a player in a server that is abusing the system, they can be banned from an another server through the same command normally used. If there is good mods, then the server will work with minimal abuse.

How secure is it? It uses Digest Access Authentication in similar fashion like Glass does. It therefore also makes use of SHA256 and ISAAC to further make it more secure. However, it is as secure that Blockland can get without destroying performance too much. Also, it depends what credentials is set for the server that makes it most secure. Pick a long password!