Project Soon


XServer - Update

This project may seem dead. I’ve come back to it again and again and found it difficult to continue on it as it is quite time consuming. While the initial version works, I can not seem to continue with it as the design is not complete and it is easy to loose track on what does what. Also, it does not make it easier when I realized that the problem is more complex than I initially thought, so a redesign should be done.

XServer - FAQ

How is XServer pronounced? CrossServer.

What features will it include? Shared functionalities through chat, player list and administration for all connected servers.

Why not use the old one? It is more complicated as both servers need to connect to each others to apply full duplex communications. It also is less secure due to weak hashing and no valid authenticity and integrity to data sent.

Will this be slow? It might be in some instances. There could be options to turn off authentication if it lags too much.


An add-on was created years ago by DarkLight, and then mostly rewritten by me so it would work better. It featured a way to share chat and player list between servers. However, it was insecure and complicated to use both ways.

I have decided to completely take over the add-on by rewriting it from the ground up to add better security, back and forward compatibility, modularity, administrative commands and easier to use.